Our goal :combat pollution inurban areas
The BioUrban air purification system is a green technology based on micro-algae, designed for the urban and indoor sector with the aim of transforming various polluting compounds such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen … into oxygen and biomass through the process of photosynthesis.
Our innovations
Our breakthrough innovations are the basis for creating smart carbon sinks through bioreactors made of micro-algae capable of purifying air particles.
Green Technology
Microalgae retain part of the CO2 and automobile pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides and fine particles, and release oxygen through photosynthesis.
Our solutions
An urban CO² capture system in urban spaces, BioUrban monitors air quality and helps purify it, making it purer for the people who breathe it and capturing the pollution that surrounds us in the city.
Healthier air
Our products respond to the problem of air pollution (CO², CO, NOx, PM 2.5 and PM 10) and allow the pollution generated by man to be absorbed and transformed into oxygen thanks to to micro-algae and the phenomenon of photosynthesis.

The BioUrban 1.0

The BioUrban 1 specially designed for interiors, it aims to transform pollutants, such as carbon monoxide and fine particles.
Absorbs up to 85% of particles in the air and captures a quantity of contaminants equivalent to the breathing of 28 people/hour.
The BioUrban 1.0: height of 82.67 inches , Ø of 9,84 inches and weight of 99.20 pounds.
Air treatment 255 M3 /h
The BioUrban 2.0

Usable indoors or outdoors, this model was the first product installed in real conditions in places open to the public as well as in the middle of traffic.
Absorbs up to 85% of particles in the air and captures a quantity of contaminants equivalent to the breathing of 383 people/hour.
These products are equipped with sensors indicating the quality and purity of the air.
The BioUrban 2.0 : height of 165,35 inches, Ø of 108,26 inches and weight of 1 ton.
Air treatment 1 800 M3 /h
Le BioUrban 2.5

Can be used indoors or outdoors, this model can be covered with different coverings (wood, metal, etc.) in order to fit into any decor.
Absorbs up to 85% of particles in the air and captures an amount of contaminants equivalent to breathing 1 162 people/hr.
These products are equipped with sensors indicating the quality and purity of the air and solar panels allowing them to be (under conditions) autonomous
The BioUrban 2.5 : height of 165,35 inches ,106,29 X 106,29 inches and a weight of 1.5 ton.
Air treatment 6,000 M3 /h
The BioUrban 3.0

Usable outdoors, this model is in the development and testing phase.
Absorbs up to 85% of particles in the air and captures a quantity of contaminants equivalent to the breathing of 27 778 people/hour.
These products are equipped with sensors indicating the quality and purity of the air and solar panels allowing them to be (under conditions) autonomous
Air treatment 12,000 M3/ h